Nuclear Power Engineering

NPRE 402

Dr. Magdi Ragheb
Fall 2024


  1. Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students 1998
  2. Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students 2000
  3. Advisor's list 2003.

Assignments, exams and Teaching Assistants

        Assignments and attendance will account for 40 percent of the final grade.

Assignments  Policy and Guidelines

In case of "Internet Rationing" or collapse through overload,
1. Final grades will be based on submitted assignments and on tests taken,
2. Reading of web-published lecture notes will substitute for scheduled synchronous online lecture sessions.

List of assignments, Word
List of assignments, pdf



Fall 2024 one-hour lectures videos

Lecture 1

Lecture 2
Lecture 3
1. First Human Made Reactor and Birth of Nuclear Age
Lecture 4
1. First Human Made Reactor and Birth of Nuclear Age
Lecture 5
1. First Human Made Reactor and Birth of Nuclear Age
Previous version of Table of Nuclides
Lecture 6
4. Nuclear World
Lecture 7
4. Nuclear World
Lecture 8
4. Nuclear Processes, The Strong Force
Lecture 9
4. Nuclear Processes, The Strong Force
Lecture 10
4. Nuclear Processes, The Strong Force
Lecture 11
1. Radioactive Transformations Theory, The Weak Force
Lecture 12
1. Radioactive Transformations Theory, The Weak Force
Lecture 13
2. Food Preservation by Radiation
Lecture 14
3. Radioisotopes Power Production

Summer 2024 two-hour lectures videos

Lecture 1
Lecture 2
1. First Human Made Reactor and Birth of Nuclear Age
Lecture 3
2. German Nuclear Program
3. Japanese Nuclear Weapons Program
4. Nuclear World
Lecture 4
4. Nuclear World
10. Limited Nuclear War
4. Nuclear Processes, The Strong Force
Lecture 5

4. Nuclear Processes, The Strong Force
1. Radioactive Transformations Theory, The Weak Force
Lecture 6
1. Radioactive Transformations Theory, The Weak Force
2. Food Preservation by Radiation

Lecture 7
3. Radioisotopes Power Production
5. Gamma Rays Interaction with Matter
Lecture 8
1. Nuclear Reactor Concepts and Thermodynamic Cycles
Lecture 9
2. Pressurized Water Reactors
3. Boiling Water Reactors
Lecture 10
1. Energy Hydrogenation and Decarbonization
4. High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor
Lecture 11
5. Heavy Water Reactor
6. Fourth Generation Reactor Concepts
7. Fast Breeder Reactors
8. Autonomous Battery Reactors
11. Traveling Wave Reactor
12. Modular Integral Compact Underground Reactor
13. Underwater Power Plants
14. Floating Nuclear Barges
Lecture 12
10. Isotopic Separation and Enrichment
Lecture 13
3. Neutron Cross Sections
5. Neutron Diffusion Theory
Lecture 14
6. Neutron Diffusion in Nonmultiplying Media
Lecture 15
7. One-Group Reactor Theory
9. Multidimensional Reactor Systems in Diffusion Theory
Lecture 16
2. Ionizing Radiation Units and Standards
Lecture 17
3. Nonionizing Radiation

5. Radiation Hormesis
9. Gamma and X rays Detection
Lecture 18
2. Fusion Concepts
3. Inertial Confinement Fusion
Lecture 19
1. Plasmas and Fusion Reactions
4. Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Lecture 20
3. Global Climatic Variation, Change and Energy Use.

Play List
Two-hour Lecture videos Summer Session 2023

Other videos


NPRE 402 First Midterm.
Monday September 30

NPRE 402  Second Midterm.
Friday November 1

NPRE 402 Final Exam
7:00pm-10:00pm., Thursday Dec. 19

Teaching Assistants Information
Course Outline


Two midterm tests and one final test are scheduled.

Each will account for 20 percent of the final grade for a total of 60 percent of the final grade.

Assignments, attendance, quizzes (unannounced), final project, 40 percent.

Prerequisites: Advanced calculus course, consent of instructor.

Undergraduates: 3 units of credit.

Graduates: 3 units, plus 1 unit for advanced term paper or project, for a total of 4 units of credit.

Calendar for Fall Session, 2024

Face-to-face, synchronous with r
equired attendance
Time: MWF 08:00-08-50 am, Meets 08/26/24=12/11/24,
Location: 3031  Campus Instructional Facility CIF

Instruction begins Monday August 26
Labor day Monday September 2  (no classes)
Fall Break begins
Instruction resumes
Saturday November 23
Monday December 2
Instruction ends Wednesday December 11
Reading Day Thursday December 12
Final Examinations begin
Final Examinations end
Friday December 13
Thursday December 19

First Midterm exam

Monday September 30

Second Midterm exam

Friday November 1

Final Exam

7:00pm-10:00pm., Thursday Dec. 19

Book Chapters

Magdi Ragheb (2011). "Nuclear Naval Propulsion,"
Nuclear Power - Deployment, Operation and Sustainability, Pavel Tsvetkov (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-474-0,

Magdi Ragheb (2011). "Thorium Fission and Fission-Fusion Fuel Cycle,"
Nuclear Power - Deployment, Operation and Sustainability, Pavel Tsvetkov (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-474-0,

M. Ragheb and D. Gvillo, "Hybrid Symbolic-Procedural Programming Methodology for Monte Carlo Particle Transport Simulations,"
Science and Engineering on Cray Supercomputers, A Cray Research Inc. Book,
Proc. of the Third International Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 491-515,  September 1987.

Yoshioka, R., Kinoshita, M., Jorgensen, L., & Ragheb, M. (2017). Environment, waste, and resources. In Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium Energy (pp. 231-259). Elsevier.


Web Textbook

© M. Ragheb
Intellectual Property IP


Inventing the future

© M. Ragheb


        Part I  Dawn of Nuclear age
1. First Human Made Reactor and Birth of Nuclear Age
2. German Nuclear Program
3. Japanese Nuclear Weapons Program
4. Nuclear World
5. Race for The Super
6. Natural  Nuclear Reactors, The Oklo Phenomenon
7. Sustainable Energy and Resource Management
8. Safeguards, Non-Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Energy
9. The Global Status of Nuclear Power
10. Limited Nuclear War

        Part II Modern Nuclear Science
1. The Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiation Universe
2. Constitution of Matter, The Standard Model
3. Elusive Ghostly Neutrinos
4. Nuclear Processes, The Strong Force
5. Gamma Rays Interaction with Matter

        Part III Radioactive Processes
1. Radioactive Transformations Theory, The Weak Force
2. Food Preservation by Radiation
3. Terrestrial Radioactivity and Geothermal Energy
4. Biogenic and Abiogenic Petroleum
5. Management of Radioactive Waste

        Part IV Fission Systems
1. Nuclear Reactor Concepts and Thermodynamic Cycles

2. Pressurized Water Reactors
3. Boiling Water Reactors
4. High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor
5. Heavy Water Reactor
6. Fourth Generation Reactor Concepts
7. Fast Breeder Reactors
8. Autonomous Battery Reactors
9. Inherently Safe Reactor Designs
10. Isotopic Separation and Enrichment
11. Traveling Wave Reactor
12. Modular Integral Compact Underground Reactor
13. Underwater Power Plants
14. Floating Nuclear Barges

        Part V Fusion Systems
1. Plasmas and Fusion Reactions
2. Fusion Concepts

3. Inertial Confinement Fusion
4. Magnetic Confinement Fusion
5. Fission Fusion Thorium Hybrid

        Part VI Space Nuclear Power
1. Nuclear and Plasma Space Propulsion
2. Space Power Reactors
3. Radioisotopes Power Production
4. Cosmic and Space Radiation
5. Nuclear Defense Against Stellar Objects
6. Nuclear Propulsion Choices for Space Exploration
7. Solar Storms Effects on Nuclear and Electrical Installations
8. Nuclear Asteroid Mining
9. Nuclear Ramjet and Scramjet Propulsion

        Part VII Transport and Diffusion Reactor Theory
1. Transport Theory
2. Subcritical Assemblies Theory
3. Neutron Cross Sections
4. Neutron Collision Theory
5. Neutron Diffusion Theory
6. Neutron Diffusion in Nonmultiplying Media
7. One-Group Reactor Theory
8. Point Reactor Kinetics
9. Multidimensional Reactor Systems in Diffusion Theory
10. Numerical Methods for Diffusion Theory Criticality
11. Fermi Age Theory

12. Two Group Diffusion Theory for Bare and Reflected Reactors
13. Analysis of Fast Reactors Systems
14. The Resonance Escape Probability
15. Treatment of Heterogeneous Systems

        Part VIII Radiological Science
1. Radiation Dosimetry
2. Ionizing Radiation Units and Standards

3. Nonionizing Radiation
4. Environmental Radiation
5. Radiation Hormesis
6. Environmental Remediation of Radioactive Contamination
7. Radiobiological Processes

8. Attenuation of Gamma Radiation
9. Gamma and X rays Detection

10. Nuclear Medicine Applications
11. Positron Emission Tomography
12. Nuclear Sterile Insect Technique
13. Depleted Uranium and its Health Physics

       Part IX  Nuclear Safety
1. Three Mile Island Accident
2. The Chernobyl Accident
3. Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami Station Blackout Accident
4. Tritium, Man Made Hydrogen

        Part X Nuclear Applications
1. Energy Hydrogenation and Decarbonization
2. Nuclear Age Elements
3. Global Climatic Variation, Change and Energy Use.
4. Nuclear Marine Propulsion

5. X Ray and Gamma Ray Lasers
6. Zero Point Field Power
7. Fresh Water Augmentation
8. Single and Dual Purpose Nuclear Desalination
9. Pumped  Storage in Association with the Dead Sea to Red Sea Peace Canal
Uranium Resources in Phosphate Rocks
11. Thorium Resources in Rare Earth Elements
12. Isotope Methods in Water Resources Management
13. Symbiotic Coupling of Wind Power and  Nuclear Power Generation
14. Restarting the USA Stalled Nuclear Renaissance


Vector Calculus Relations
List of the Known Elements
Table of Thermal Neutron Cross Sections
Physical Constants and Conversion Factors
Systeme International (SI), Prefixes and Symbols
Greek Alphabet
Natural Nuclides Table
Artificial and Natural Nuclides Table
Procedure for the Generation of a Decay Curve: decay.
Procedure for estimating the activity of an irradiated isotope: Isotope_production.f90
One Group Nuclear Criticality Code Listing: criticality.f90
Multigroup Nuclear Criticality Code Listing: multigroup_criticality.f90
Neutron Dosimetry code: neutron_dosimetry.f90
Input data
30 group cross sections: H2O
30 group cross sections: Na

University of Illinois Visit to the LaSalle County Generating Station

Graduate Reserch Papers

Sheng Kao, "Decontaminated water discharge and dilution from the Fukushima accident into the Pacific Ocean"
Bruce Hicks,  Texas Winter Weather Power Failure""

Honors Paper

Kate Konsevicz, "Developments in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanning"

Data Files on Isotopes and Cross-Sections

Computer Programs and Output Data Files

Internal Links to Bookmarks

External Links

Nuclear Data for Isotopes and Elements

Nuclear Information Websites

Radiation Safety and Health Physics

Nuclear Power Plants and Government Organizations

Research Nuclear Reactors

Nuclear Reactor Designs

Breeder Nuclear Reactor Designs

Accelerator-Driven Reactors and Waste Transmutation

Nuclear Fusion

Laboratories Involved in Fusion Research

Magnetic and Inertial Confinement Concepts for Fusion Reactors

Alternative Confinement Concepts for Fusion Reactors

Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

  Marine Propulsion

Elemental Activation Analysis

Medical Research with Radioisotopes and Radiation

Industrial Research with Radioisotopes and Radiation

Cancer Therapies

Food Irradiation and Sterilization

References and Resources

        1.    Edward M. Baum, Harold D. Knox and Thomas R. Miller, "Nuclides and Isotopes, Chart of the N uclides," 16th Edition, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, KAPL and Lockheed Martin, 2002.

        2.    Lide, David R.,Ed., "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics," 83rd Edition, CRC Press LLC, 2002.

Related Courses Information

       NPRE402/ME405  Nuclear Power Engineering

       NPRE457/CSE462 Safety Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Systems

       NPRE490MC(NPRE456/CSE416) Monte Carlo Simulations

       NPRE475 Wind Power Systems

       NPRE590SF Nuclear and Radiological Safety

       NPRE459/CSE417 Fuzzy Logic and its Applications

Please contact Prof. M. Ragheb as a Webmaster at (217)333-6569  with  feedback concerning this page.

Last update for this page was on 9/27/2024